Is Seltzer harmful to you?

Manufacturers add pressurized carbon dioxide to create bubbles in the beverage, which is basically a process that causes the beloved Seltz to foam and foam. This carbonization immediately makes the drink sour – this acid can cause the enamel of the tooth to corrode over time.

Any acid in the drink can do this, whether it comes from mineral water, flavored soda, diet or regular soda. Juice, wine and coffee are also acidic. The good news is that mineral water and flavored sparkling water are a better choice than juice and soda. They are less acidic than other carbonated beverages and contain no sugar. And, as you probably know now, adding sugar to your drink is bad for you.

Although acid can soften enamel, it is no big deal to drink acidic drinks occasionally. Within half an hour after drinking, the mouth begins to repair itself because saliva hardens the enamel.

But developing the habit of caring for carbonated drinks can cause problems. If the carbonated drink is baked on the teeth hour after hour, it is too important. If I put a bottle of mineral water around and then drank it for the next two hours, I actually soaked it in acid for two hours.

We recommend drinking mineral water and soda in 5 to 10 minutes. In this way, saliva can harden the enamel again, and if you drink it for a while, it will destroy the process. Drinking with a straw is also helpful. Also, don't brush your teeth immediately after drinking an acidic drink. According to the Mayo Clinic, brushing can further wear the already softened enamel.

So, as long as you are careful, mineral water and seasoned soda are better than other products. But is it as good as drinking water? Do not. (But you may already know.)

Obviously, water has a distinct advantage. It can gargle without adding heat, adding acid to the system and keeping our moisture. However, we know that plain water can sometimes become boring. Try mixing fruits or herbs into your water. For example, this strawberry, lime, cucumber, and mint water is a water that changes the rules of the game. Then there are foamy good things here and there, not all the time. Your body will be grateful