Five things you don't know about dentists

The dentist is only the doctor responsible for oral hygiene. So let me ask you a question:

How many dentists did you watch this year?

Ok, you don't have to tell me your answer. Most people don't go to the dentist until they have serious problems with their mouth. Even if I don't want to admit it, I am also a member of this group. This is because most people do not know the importance and usefulness of the dentist. It is recommended that you go to the dentist at least twice a year to keep your gums and teeth healthy.

The dental check should start at the age of 8, when the permanent tooth is replacing the deciduous teeth. Today, psychologists recommend that dental exams should start at the age of 1 to eliminate fear of dentists at an early stage. Dentists usually work as partners and connect themselves to larger groups. Some of them work only in private clinics, while others work in government, higher education, research projects and even the military.

The dentist will care for your mouth, teeth and gums by providing any of the following services:

  • Crown and bridge
  • Denture
  • Home care advice
  • Dental implant
  • Cosmetic procedures
  • Gum disease treatment
  • Mouth guard
  • Oral surgery
  • Partial dentures
  • Nutrition consultation
  • Orthodontics
  • Sealants
  • Restorative care
  • Quit smoking
  • Root canal treatment
  • X-ray and other diagnostic treatments
  • Teeth cleaning and flossing

This is 5 things you might not know, a dentist and how he can help your oral health.

1. Clean

Tooth decay is the most common and long-lasting disease of teeth and molars. This problem is caused when you don't pay attention to the cleaning of your teeth. To prevent tooth decay, it is necessary to clean your teeth regularly. If you don't clean your teeth properly, plaque (adhesive layer containing bacteria) will form and the dentist will use a scraper to remove plaque.

2. Dental floss

The dentist will floss your teeth and teach you the right way to brush your teeth and clean your teeth at home. During the flossing of the teeth, a wax line passes between the unexposed areas of the teeth to remove all food particles. If you choose to ignore small problems in your mouth, you will have to take on major dental surgery.

3. Nursing reminder

It is completely bad to go to the dentist only when the teeth are severely painful or bleeding. The dentist will always remind you of general dental care, even if your tooth area is completely normal and will give you useful advice on how to properly care for your teeth. In fact, kindergartens should conduct oral hygiene training to educate younger generations about the importance of oral care.

4. Dental restoration

When necessary, the dentist will perform important treatments such as chronic disease diagnostic tests, biopsy and oral cancer screening tests. The dentist will examine various diseases in your oral area, such as lumps, ulcers, discoloration and inflammation, and then treat them accordingly.

5. Disease index

It is said that the mouth and nails are mirrors that reflect your inner health. Never ignore the small marks of your gums and teeth. Your dentist will help you discover major problems such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The World Health Organization (Who) recommends that oral examinations are another way to prevent chronic diseases. You can check your teeth and gums with a dentist to learn about other major health problems. In fact, going to the dentist may be considered uneconomical, taking time, but in the end, it is worth it. It is important that you take practical measures to teach your child oral hygiene.